BWCA How long is your typical solo? Boundary Waters Group Forum: Solo Tripping
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Solo Tripping
      How long is your typical solo?     



distinguished member (193)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/15/2017 12:21PM  
My typical solo is about 6 days. However, many have exceeded 10 and my longest was 32. I am interested in how long you guys trip on average. Also, where are your favorite stomping grounds - BWCA, Queitco, WCPP, other places?

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Alan Gage
distinguished member(1084)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/15/2017 02:00PM  
The last couple years I've been doing longer ones of 30 and 42 days. This year I don't think I'll be able to get in a really long one but am still hoping for 2-3 weeks.

It feels like it takes a week or so for me to really get into the swing of things out there. The longer I'm out the better it gets. There's probably a limit where the enjoyment starts going the other way but I haven't found it yet.

My first couple trips were in the WCPP area. Last year I got into southern Nunavut and while it won't happen this year I can't wait to get up there again and plan to go farther north yet, hopefully above tree line. Just finishing up a canoe that should be able to take me on a 60 day solo in that country. Hopefully get to fully test it out in the next couple years.

03/15/2017 02:59PM  
In the beginning they were 5 days +/-1 since that's all the time I had. It was a long way to drive for a trip that short, so when I could I doubled that to 10 days +/-. The longest so far has been 12 days. I hope to do an even longer one in the near future. All have been in the Boundary Waters with the exception of 3 in the Adirondacks. It would be nice to do one farther north, but I'm getting old fast.

Like Alan, it takes me a while to get in the "flow" and the longer trips are better in that respect, plus there's not as great a possibility of having a trip basically reduced to next to nothing by weather. A 4 1/2 day trip shortened to 3 by extreme weather, with 2 days drive on each end isn't that great.
03/15/2017 03:52PM  
I did 7 and 8 night trips to start then did a 10 night in 2011, 2012, and 2013.

In 2016 my permit was for 13 nights but I came out after 12 because of a crappy forecast and I was practically out of food. I'll be doing 10 nights in Sept.
I would love to do 21 nights sometime with my dog.

03/15/2017 03:52PM  

03/15/2017 04:41PM  

9 night 10 days into the Q last week of June over the 4th of July is my normal routine when I go solo. Hope to hit the "New Moon" or "Full Moon" on my trip if at all possible for bigger fish potential.
03/15/2017 05:45PM  
I have done just over three weeks in August for 17 years and a few two week trips in the spring.
03/15/2017 06:52PM  
I usually do somewhere around 7 to 10 days but I also don't hesitate to head out for just 4 to 5 days on a short route. Usually I'm in Quetico and WCPP during the spring and summer with a few BW trips in the summer and fall.
03/15/2017 08:20PM  
Wow, you guys get a lot more time than I do out there. Longest has been about a week, and typical is 4-5 days. It's just hard to balance with family vacations, time off, etc. I need my own time, but I need to balance as well.
03/15/2017 08:24PM  
I've done three solos and they've all been for 4 days. I can't wait to extend it. It will be a while though until I can make it happen. Because of the time restraints they have all been to the bwca.
03/16/2017 12:48AM  
My typical spring solo into the BWCA is from 7 to 9 days. When I go on my late fall solo to Ontario [just south and east of Wabikimi] it's about 12 to 14 days long. This year I'm hopeing for a 3 week solo trip in that area, it depends if my old body will tolerate the 2 trips with my kids between the solos. FRED
distinguished member(1919)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/16/2017 04:50AM  
usually , 2 weekends and a week, that would be 9 days.
distinguished member (193)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/16/2017 05:52AM  
Great stuff guys, interesting posts on your trip durations.

Alan, will you take your dog with you on that 60 day trip? Also - on your longer trips, do you resupply? Any pics of your latest canoe?

Wally 13 - I would love to talk "night "fishing with you some time. I also enjoyed meeting you at the Copia show - I liked your presentation. I was the guy sitting at the table with Old Salt just before you guys presented.

distinguished member(2471)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/16/2017 09:58AM  
Mine have usually been 3-5 days as I spend my vacation time on other trips outside the BWCA. I get what I need out of that amount of time. Maybe when I retire I might go on a longer one but I prefer a trip with the wife if possible.
distinguished member(7231)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/16/2017 04:46PM  
16.5 feet
03/16/2017 04:48PM  
quote mr.barley: "16.5 feet"

Alan Gage
distinguished member(1084)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/16/2017 08:46PM  

Alan, will you take your dog with you on that 60 day trip? Also - on your longer trips, do you resupply? Any pics of your latest canoe?

No, probably no dog on that trip as it will likely be in the far north again. Bugs and weather are too serious. On my first trip I set up a resupply because I didn't know how long it would take and wasn't sure if I had my food amounts correct. I made better time than expected and my food was spot on so it turned out to be unnecessary; which meant I spent a lot of money and had to carry extra weight for the last few days of the trip. No more resupplies unless it's a really long trip and I can find a way to do it more economically, like have the food flown to a remote village via regular air service rather than paying for a special flight.

Couple pictures of the boat. It's 16x32" with lots of flare in the bow. Made from 5/32" cedar strips with a couple layers of fiberglass outside and a couple layers of kevlar inside. I'll paint the inside this weekend and then it should be ready to go after bolting in the thwarts.

03/16/2017 11:15PM  

Sure. Will talk fishing with you anytime. Glad you enjoyed our presentation at Copia.

Evening/night fishing for walleyes has been very productive for me the past several years.
03/17/2017 05:39AM  
quote Alan Gage: "

Alan, will you take your dog with you on that 60 day trip? Also - on your longer trips, do you resupply? Any pics of your latest canoe?

No, probably no dog on that trip as it will likely be in the far north again. Bugs and weather are too serious. On my first trip I set up a resupply because I didn't know how long it would take and wasn't sure if I had my food amounts correct. I made better time than expected and my food was spot on so it turned out to be unnecessary; which meant I spent a lot of money and had to carry extra weight for the last few days of the trip. No more resupplies unless it's a really long trip and I can find a way to do it more economically, like have the food flown to a remote village via regular air service rather than paying for a special flight.

Couple pictures of the boat. It's 16x32" with lots of flare in the bow. Made from 5/32" cedar strips with a couple layers of fiberglass outside and a couple layers of kevlar inside. I'll paint the inside this weekend and then it should be ready to go after bolting in the thwarts.


That's a real nice space there with great lighting. I see your pup keeps you company too. :) Just curious, are these plans you have found or have learned to design yourself? Using three different materials seems out of the box. But then, I really no very little when it comes to building.

distinguished member (193)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/17/2017 06:08AM  
Thanks for the pics Alan. Your boat looks fantastic. Differential Rocker? Looks like a good amount of volume and nice sheer. It looks to be a boat capable of epic trips - nice job!! I bet she will be fast and easy to paddle.

Good luck on finding areas to resupply - it can be such a pain, and expensive. I must put a hold on longer solo excursions until I retire in a couple of years. It is hard to find more than 2 weeks in a row that are duty free.

I find that my trips have become less about true exploration, and more about finding walleyes. I still wader the back country, but I am more fishing driven ... oh well, that is just how I roll. Anyway, the more I read about your trips, the more you sound like Hoop to me. Have you ever met him?

Good luck with your trips Alan, thanks for the pics of the boat - she looks crackling!

distinguished member(809)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/17/2017 02:48PM  
All of my trips have been 8 or 9 days on the water. I live in NY and the 1400 mile drive to GM adds a day and a half at both ends, and that is about all the time I can fit a trip into. I expect to be constraint free in a year or two and look forward to 14-21 day trips.
03/17/2017 04:59PM  
Alan-Beautiful! WisI h had your skills-and shop!

My solos, only about 6 of them, have been 6-10 days. Hunter's Island this summer will be longer.
03/17/2017 06:52PM  
Typical solo is 12-14 days. Mostly Quetico. WCPP is on the bucket list as is a 30+ day trip in the near future. I'd love to spend a full September and October in the wilderness!
Alan, if I had that kind of space I might never resurface! The things I could build. I will get there! Also, I agree with your point about getting into the swing of things. It takes me about 5 days to really settle in and feel one with everything around me, slow my pace, fully experience the surroundings and live in the moment. When I hit that point, I don't ever want to leave and the internal countdown starts... Day 6.... uggghhh... only 8 days left! Rain, sleet, snow, sun... it doesn't matter anymore, its just part of the experience and it's all good!
03/19/2017 01:20PM  
My solo's are 3-6 days usually with many being only 1-2 nites.
Its hard to get more time off than that with my job in Ak and since there is so much to see here, I go tripping with my car and explore the road system.
I expect that when I retire in a year or two I will go for a few two week solo's.
distinguished member(1973)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/19/2017 02:00PM  
7 to 14 days. I would go longer but still have that thing called a job. Other things as well to use the vacation on. I Go to WCPP and the travel time doesn't help.
03/21/2017 08:41AM  
7-8 days
I too still work and have kiddos in the nest.
distinguished member (370)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/21/2017 09:23AM  
Eleven days / ten nights for me, all in the BWCA, out of Ely. All either late August or mid-September. My wife has summers off, and is back to work by then, which means she’s too busy to miss me quite so much (I'm a lucky guy), and it doesn't interfere with our summer travels.

I can only fit in one trip each year, so I try to make the most of it. Given the nine-hour drive, it makes sense for me to stay awhile. I feel like I’m in my routine by day 3, but each day I feel more connected to my surroundings. I’m always sorry to leave. I can’t wait for September!
distinguished member (436)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/22/2017 10:56AM  
7 to 10 days. When I go from Crane Lake to Grand Portage, I am going to do it in 2 weeks. That will be my longest solo.
Alan Gage
distinguished member(1084)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/22/2017 01:47PM  
Just curious, are these plans you have found or have learned to design yourself? Using three different materials seems out of the box.

For the last couple years I've been designing my own. So far so good. The use of multiple materials, especially different types of cloth for the outside and inside of the hull is nothing new. The thin cedar does the same thing as a foam core but it's easier for the DIY one-off boat build. It should be stronger than a foam core boat but heavier too.

Thanks for the pics Alan. Your boat looks fantastic. Differential Rocker? Looks like a good amount of volume and nice sheer. It looks to be a boat capable of epic trips - nice job!! I bet she will be fast and easy to paddle.

No differential rocker on this one. All my solos have had differential rocker and I want to try one without. My differentially rockered boats have given me some problems on fast moving water (also due to my lack of skill) and I'm hoping this will be a little more friendly. I want it to handle up to CIII rapids. I'll also be fitting it with a spray deck.

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