BWCA Update on upcoming September solo trip Boundary Waters Group Forum: Solo Tripping
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Solo Tripping
      Update on upcoming September solo trip     



member (50)member
08/30/2016 12:58PM  
Since the last time I posted, much has transpired. First of all I decided on a trip in the Brent Lake area rather than commit to a huge circuit--Hunter Island Loop. This will be a much more relaxed trip into an area that I haven't been yet.
I have gotten some fancy equipment-a Stohlquist PFD (Drifter), a locator beacon (ResQLink +), NRS workboot wetshoe for wetfooting it and portaging. I spent a lot of time deciding on my foot wear after reading message boards and reviews. They haven't arrived yet, but I think this will fill the bill as I want good ankle support and grips on the sole. Columbus Supply has them for 56.00 plus shipping. Reviews are good on these, but we will see how they actually perform. I went through all my gear and got the weight down some. I updated my first aid kit and adapted it for this trip. I still need to mark my maps for portages and campsites not denoted on the fisher maps. Yesterday, I packed everything up as if I were going and went to the St. Croix River, where I "portaged" from the parking lot to the boat landing, loaded everything in and went for a boat ride to get the kinks out of my procedures. This was good because I am rusty and some of my ideas aren't all that good. Food pack(to be worn at the same time as the canoe) weight: 30lbs; Other pack weight: 60lbs. All within the realm of trips in the past. As to my portage yoke for the solo canoe (pack 12) I got the adjustable clamp on style and have decided to mount it further toward the bow so that I don't have to take it on and off. The yoke pads form a nice little "table" to set my map case on. Of course this creates an imbalance of weight toward the stern, so I clip one of my small bags onto the bow and it works perfectly. I am getting down right excited!
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distinguished member(2350)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/30/2016 03:33PM  

Hi Veggy,
When you get to Brent Lake, there is a great campsite on the island on the eastern side if you are coming up from McIntyre Lake. One of my favorites. Big and access to the whole island.
distinguished member(7231)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/30/2016 06:31PM  
quote Minnesotian: "
Hi Veggy,
When you get to Brent Lake, there is a great campsite on the island on the eastern side if you are coming up from McIntyre Lake. One of my favorites. Big and access to the whole island. "
We had some great walleye fishing by those island several springs ago. Probably not in there this time of year. Kinda shallow.
distinguished member(742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/30/2016 08:04PM  
Good call on the 'practice' run. That will pay dividends not having to figure all that out while on your trip. No doubt you'll improve your methods as you go, but it sounds like you're all set!

Take care to affix things to the bow, as if it hangs down it can impair your sight while walking (lesson learned the hard way with a rouge crazy creek chair on the front of a tandem boat).
distinguished member(1982)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/30/2016 10:26PM  
quote Minnesotian: "
Hi Veggy,
When you get to Brent Lake, there is a great campsite on the island on the eastern side if you are coming up from McIntyre Lake. One of my favorites. Big and access to the whole island. "

Used to be referred to as the "Brent Hilton"
distinguished member(1982)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/30/2016 10:27PM  
When are you headed in? I expect to be in the same area starting Sept 8
08/31/2016 06:35AM  
Make sure to get the Quetico Adventure map. The scale is small but it's a great backup and IMO it has the most reliable portage locations.

I'm going for 13 nights on Sept. 4th in the same general area. Just checked the 10 day forecast. Chance of rain every day. Light winds average aroune 6-8 mph. high temps mid to high 60's average with the high being 72 degrees. The lows around 48-55 at night.

I'll take rain over high winds any day. Let me know your dates and maybe will cross paths.

distinguished member(4432)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/31/2016 06:35AM  
Yup not real keen on the whole clipping stuff on to balance the boat. It has a ring that just doesn't sit right with me. Depending on how far down (below the gunnels?) it's hanging I percieve "hassles". Starts swinging, branches reach out and grab it or it drags the ground on steep walks. Don't like it.......and all for what? So you don't have to clamp a yoke on? A process which takes all of 60 seconds? I suggest sitting down to a nice big steak and using said protein to fuel your noogin.
member (50)member
08/31/2016 06:59AM  
Thanks, Minn! That is just the kind of info I am looking for.
08/31/2016 06:59AM  
Have a great trip!!!
member (50)member
08/31/2016 07:01AM  
I DO need to affix my counterweight bag to the bow better as it does swing. I have noted too the decreased visibility, thinking I might simply wander over a precipice cause I couldn't see 10 feet in front of me! More likely something to trip on. The practice will ease the confusion at the beginning of the trip: Where to put this and that for my portages.
member (50)member
08/31/2016 07:09AM  
Yes, it does swing around below the gunnel and, I agree, it just aint right. From practicing, I do like the portage yoke just forward of my legs. I just need to secure the counterweight bag in the bow better. The clamp on yoke works well, but it is a hassle to put it on and take it off every time. More chance that something on the clamp may break as well.
I probably DO need better brains, too! Mine have never quite worked right. No juicy steak for me though! Tx for feedback
member (50)member
08/31/2016 07:20AM  
My trip too will begin on the 8th from Prairie Portage, but I don't expect to be in the Brent Lake area until days later.
member (50)member
08/31/2016 07:27AM  
I will get the chrismar map. Lots of soloists out there going for nice long trips. As for the elements--they just are what they are and I never set my heart on any particular type of weather. I do agree on wind vs rain, though.
distinguished member(2350)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/31/2016 08:44AM  

You planning on taking the portage from Sarah Lake into McIntyre? If you do, there are two portages at that spot. The northern one is short but steep. I have taken it once, that's all I need to do.

The second one, the southern portage, is longer but more level I have heard. I haven't taken that one ever but next time I am in the area I probably will.

And there are other campsites that I really have found and liked, but...enjoy the mystery of discovery.
08/31/2016 10:23AM  
If you're up for adventure you could go west from South McIntyre to Earl (or Fishhook as it's sometimes called). Then there is a series of short portage's into Brent.
member (50)member
08/31/2016 02:33PM  
I plan on going: Sarah, McIntyre, Brent, Darky, Argo, then Elk, Hurn, Ted, Mcintyre then Sarah and back that way to Prairie Portage. I may also change my mind and do some variations. But that is my basic intent. Does anyone have recent experience on Elk, Hurn, Ted? Campsites? I really appreciate your input on good campsites. Also, Chrismar map is now ordered as the general map. I will have to update my Fisher Maps to reflect new info.
08/31/2016 08:27PM  
Ted is an exceptionally beautiful lake. A nice site for a solo person is across from the pictograph cliff in the south end on a point.
member (50)member
08/31/2016 09:16PM  
I like that Earl into Brent path. If I get a hankerin to just do smaller lakes, I may do it.
distinguished member(1982)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/01/2016 01:13AM  
That is a great route! Some of my favorite lakes. Not certain where we are going but enter at Prairie the same day as you. Looks like we will be two old guys and a 33 year old in a mn 3, towed by Williams n Hall in the am
distinguished member(4432)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/01/2016 06:52AM  
Good luck Kurt. I like the area your going through.

I still think it's extra dopey to have a bag hanging from your bow all because you don't want to use a clamp model yoke. Maybe I'm not familiar with what you have but if it's a hassle then you need to get one that's not. I always keep my portage yoke with the rest of my gear in camp and not laying by the side of the canoe where it might be easy to overlook laying in the bush. I can never remember having left my yoke but it would be an easy thing to do.

Make sure you tie your boat off. I tie mine at portage trails and as soon as I pull it up at shore when I find a camp. I don't wait, make it a habit. Try and do things in the same order all the time. Bada bing!
member (50)member
09/01/2016 07:11AM  
Thanks Master. You are up-and-at-'em nice and early today! I always get up early--7am is late for me. I have found a solution to not dangling bow weight--a means of securing a pack securely there without dangle. In messing around with my canoe and trying different things(I have a pack 12 @ 36lbs) I have noticed that even with the yoke a bit forward of the balance point and having no "counter-weight" in the bow, it is not a struggle at all to keep the canoe on an even keel as I portage. In the upcoming trip, I only have 2 days of multiple portages where it might be a hassle to take the yoke on and off. As I will not be rushed, I will probably do a couple of things. As the canoe is light, it won't be hard to make adjustments even mid-portage. Mindfulness, I find, is the key to safe portaging. I too am actually careful about tying off my canoe whenever I get out of it. In camp, I bring the canoe all the way onto land and tie both ends down, as much out of the wind as possible. Also I am careful about not leaving anything behind. One time I lost a leatherman because I was careless. I agree with developing sound habitual procedures as a way to avoid mistakes. take care! Kurt
09/17/2016 09:35AM  
Ever make er back veggie?
member (50)member
09/18/2016 08:32AM  
I am back!
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