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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Solo Tripping :: Question for the group
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07/21/2016 11:17AM
Long as you are asking--------
Is what I like, 10 liter/2.5 gal, open top, strap handle, weighs 2.8 oz, folds to the size of a deck of cards. Multiple uses, catch all, carry all, solo canoe/backpacking/vehicle based camps.
Mashuga, for you 6 oz may be nothing, but it's two full dehydrated meals for me, 1/4 the weight of my sleeping bag.


07/21/2016 11:29AM
Yeah, that's what I had in mind. The 'cuff' would just be close the top off. How are you sealing the seams? Please post some pictures of your completed work.
07/21/2016 12:37PM
Heck if it weighs too much in comparison I'd still like 2 for heavy camping use, not always weight conscious!
More to the point is the usefulness of a folding bucket, so many around camp.

07/20/2016 02:03PM
Good idea Fred, but I use a 3800 ci backpacking pack. Prefer something that folds/rolls up.

Grandma L
07/20/2016 05:04PM
Thank for your input guys. I am especially interested in your usage and interest in the soft collapsible "buckets". Do you use them and how often. Is a 6 ounces container too heavy?
I can make them lighter but then they are less sturdy.
07/20/2016 05:17PM
On solos I use a Sawyer Squeeze and just fill up a couple of the bags each day, which is all I'll need at one time.
07/20/2016 06:29PM
quote Mashuga: "I haven't done a solo in quite awhile but, I would use one. I use an open top bucket now for my gravity system, similar to the way you have your setup GrandmaL. I'm not in a hurry but I'm keeping my eyes open for a 'roll top' bag I can use potable water. I think it would be easier to carry, less spillage and less chance of buggies and other undesirables getting in while hanging."

MSR makes them but their only for the Microfilter Gravity setups that I have. I'm not sure they sell them separately but you could look. You'll need the special valve and food grade hose to connect it but I think you can track that stuff down at a local homebrewing supply store which is where I go to get my "backups".
07/20/2016 06:49PM
GrandmaL, I hope we're not drifting too far from your intended topic.

HighnDry, thanks for the info. I currently use a Seattle Sports 11.5 liter, open top bag and just use the siphon method with a hose in the top. I have an on/off switch on the clean water line so only have to start the siphon once. I prefer not to put holes in it as I like the option of being able to use the bucket for other purposes such as washing dishes and I don't want to have worry about breaking spouts. I tend to pack things really tight.

GrandmaL, 6 ounces is nothing, especially when I think of some of the things I (and others) take. We use our bucket every day but that is for filtered water for anywhere from 2-3 people on a trip. I think I'd still use it on a solo.

I just had a thought (It hurt a little too). I wonder how a drawstring of sorts would work to close the top off. It wouldn't be 'waterproof' but it would keep most of the water in while carrying and most undesirables out. It could still be used as a gravity system using the siphon method through the top and as an open top bucket if needed. Handles would still be needed.
Grandma L
07/20/2016 07:12PM
I like the drawstring idea - not hard to do. I will try implementing it into my design. I too do the open bucket siphon method. this might be a good addition and not add but .25 oz.

I will have to try this tomorrow. Today was spent putting a new zipper in a formal dress for a grand daughter. Not as fun as buckets but much needed.

Grandma L
07/20/2016 09:32PM
Mashuga - exactly what I was thinking. Some of my knitting bags/baskets have that kind of top. I put a light weight nylon "cuff" on my latest hammock under quilt - sort of the same method. I would make it to just pull in to close the bucket top.

I just don't want to be over engineering or solving a problem that doesn't exist. That happens at our house now and then.:-)
Grandma L
07/21/2016 04:25PM
Ok, so weight is a factor at some point. Durability too. I gather that 2 light buckets is better than 1 heavy. Maybe I need different ones for different trips. I hope to do pics soon.
There are no seam in the body of the bucket. It is a huge circle pleated down at the top edge to be a circle opening about 18 inches in circumference. I can tell pictures will be needed soon.
07/29/2016 06:26PM
I use a Seattle Sports pocket bucket. Holds 12+ liters and weighs about 3 oz. SS Pocket Bucket
07/30/2016 11:39PM
quote Grandma L: "I am making waterproof nylon fabric "buckets" that hold 2+ gallons of water and collapse down to the size of a small orange. They weigh only 3 ounces.
What do you use to collact water? Do you use anything like this on your solo trip? "

Hi Grandma L
Would you ever consider selling any that you make? I'd love to buy one if you ever have one for sale
07/30/2016 11:42PM
quote Grandma L: "Oh, I am not mass producing these! I make things for the family and friends or to trade with folks who have skills I don't. I can sew and knit but I am not good at mechanical things or wood working. I have been approached several times to start a business and make and sell items but that would take the fun out of it. "
I can paint and make little clay figures. If you are a member of the private art forum check there to see my little canoer. I'd trade some of my skills for some of yours :o)
07/28/2016 09:55PM
I like your idea Grandma L. There are many times I can remember where a water bucket would have been a welcome addition. If your not too busy I could use one of those buckets....
07/28/2016 05:59AM

07/28/2016 05:59AM
Hey Butthead in lieu of you dismissing my idea of using the ice cream bucket because it won't fit in your pack;;; I've been giving this some serious thought and the solution finally came to me....wear the bucket on your head. Now I know you will scoff at this idea but think about it for a moment, you can put the bail under your chin to keep it from blowing off, it would be rain proof, which is important to some of us with "thinning" hair, no skeets going to nail you through a plastic bucket, you could put a Flying Moose on the front,and if you bushwhack the rounded shape would deflect sticks and protect the old noggin. Another thought is the buckets comes in a square shape which would fit some people better than a round one. LOL FRED Sorry Grandma L but it's been a long night.
07/28/2016 07:48AM
All over multi purpose headgear Fred, Fountain Hat experimental design stage

Grandma L
07/28/2016 08:45AM
No problem Fred, I needed a giggle this morning. BUT - these great ideas need documentation with pics. "Bucket head" needs to be presented more dramatically!
07/27/2016 04:54PM
Not sure if you plan to produce some number of these, but I would be interested.

Careful, if you continue down this road, you may be the next Dan Cooke?

Very nice work.
07/27/2016 06:37PM
On tandem trips I use this. It has a metal ring in top and bottom that make filling it much easier. I don't think that I have ever brought a bucket on a solo trip, though I probably would if I had the 'right one'. I've considered making one from waterproof nylon, but if I do, I will include the metal ring.
Grandma L
07/27/2016 05:03PM
Oh, I am not mass producing these! I make things for the family and friends or to trade with folks who have skills I don't. I can sew and knit but I am not good at mechanical things or wood working. I have been approached several times to start a business and make and sell items but that would take the fun out of it.
07/21/2016 11:42AM
butthead, you are correct, those ounces add up. I do try to weed out what we don't need as we don't base camp. One of things I like about canoe camping is I can take some luxuries that I wouldn't take back packing. (My backpacking days are pretty well done) I don't go near as Spartan as I did 25 years ago. If I solo I have to do 2 trippers as I'm getting old. When I go with my son and/or 3 of us we can do 1 trip portages but based on terrain and length, it may be 2 trips as I'm the limiting factor. All things being equal, lesser weight is always better though.

07/23/2016 06:04PM
Thanks for posting the pictures, I was waiting. They look really great! I like them all, especially the bucket with the 'lid'. The carrying straps certainly don't look like they'd break. I wish I had that kind of talent. Nice work!
07/23/2016 08:12PM
Sometimes I bring a nalgene canteen. Maybe I will put one of these on my bucket list!
07/20/2016 03:53PM
quote FOG51: "I always pack an ice cream bucket in the bottom of my food barrel. I can gather water with it, use as a dishpan, use it to drown out campfires. At night we wash our dishes, forks ect, dry them off and throw them in the bucket with the lid on and it keeps the night critters from messing with them. With the grandkids around finding an empty ice cream bucket is no problem, just look in the freezer. FRED"

When group camping I too use a rigid five gallon rectangular bucket that serves to support the soft pack as well as provide an adequate supply of water for an extended period of time in camp. That said I also have a sea to summit for lighter solo trips. A bit tippy but functional.

07/20/2016 08:02PM
quote Grandma L: "I like the drawstring idea - not hard to do. I will try implementing it into my design. I too do the open bucket siphon method. this might be a good addition and not add but .25 oz.

I will have to try this tomorrow. Today was spent putting a new zipper in a formal dress for a grand daughter. Not as fun as buckets but much needed.

An additional thought on the drawstring idea...perhaps add an 'extender' piece of lighter nylon and put the drawstring on that. Sort of like the extenders on some packs to make them larger. Would probably only need to be a couple of inches.
07/19/2016 08:54PM
quote Grandma L: "quote butthead: "Yes I do! Would like to get another or 2. I use them for many styles of camping and different uses. Been known to add beer and ice, for trips to walk in campsites.
Have worn out 2 Sea To Summit bucket

For my "stove guy" - I will see if I can get one done for you. These are not free standing. In the canoe we hook them to the yoke or thread a paddle through the handles and place it across the canoe body. Mostly hang from a tree. I will take a couple of pics and see what you think."

The Sea To Summit buckets are hardly free standing, I always hang mine. Eventually the handles give out. I even turn them inside out for gathering fire starting duff/pinecones/bark/twigs.

Grandma L
07/23/2016 03:42PM
Out in the rain taking pics of today's projects. - light weight buckets - beer/pop bucket carrier and small Nalgene cozy.

note the drawstring bucket top and attached stuff sack
Ice beer/pop bucket easily will carry a six pack.
bucket only half full. Max holds 2.5 gallons - weighs 3 ounces empty
07/23/2016 04:58PM
Nice lookin buckets! If your taking orders I'd like 2 of the green ones.

07/20/2016 12:56AM
I always pack an ice cream bucket in the bottom of my food barrel. I can gather water with it, use as a dishpan, use it to drown out campfires. At night we wash our dishes, forks ect, dry them off and throw them in the bucket with the lid on and it keeps the night critters from messing with them. With the grandkids around finding an empty ice cream bucket is no problem, just look in the freezer. FRED
Grandma L
07/19/2016 03:40PM
I am making waterproof nylon fabric "buckets" that hold 2+ gallons of water and collapse down to the size of a small orange. They weigh only 3 ounces.
What do you use to collact water? Do you use anything like this on your solo trip?
Grandma L
07/19/2016 05:18PM
quote butthead: "Yes I do! Would like to get another or 2. I use them for many styles of camping and different uses. Been known to add beer and ice, for trips to walk in campsites.
Have worn out 2 Sea To Summit bucket

For my "stove guy" - I will see if I can get one done for you. These are not free standing. In the canoe we hook them to the yoke or thread a paddle through the handles and place it across the canoe body. Mostly hang from a tree. I will take a couple of pics and see what you think.
07/19/2016 06:40PM
I haven't done a solo in quite awhile but, I would use one. I use an open top bucket now for my gravity system, similar to the way you have your setup GrandmaL. I'm not in a hurry but I'm keeping my eyes open for a 'roll top' bag I can use potable water. I think it would be easier to carry, less spillage and less chance of buggies and other undesirables getting in while hanging.
07/19/2016 03:54PM
Yes I do! Would like to get another or 2. I use them for many styles of camping and different uses. Been known to add beer and ice, for trips to walk in campsites.
Have worn out 2 Sea To Summit bucket
