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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: XC Ski :: ski thoughts
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02/13/2010 08:03PM
Skied Cedar lake and Lake of the Isles today... at 1:15 there were 4 people visible on Cedar Lake. I skied thru the lagoon onto Isles and could count probably 40 people. By the time I circled Isles and took a look into Calhoun and got back to Cedar, there were at least 25 people on that lake. Beautiful day...but i'd rther be skiing where you are, Gutmon. And Tremolo, no, it's an outhouse with a cold seat at 7:15 am.
02/18/2010 10:50AM
The warm weather and melting snow got me to thinking about biking in winter. I discovered it in the past two winters during times of no skiing which were many. I went out early with Apollo, my dog, and biked in my ski attire across on Minehaha Pkway, to Lake Nokomis, around, and back again. The entire ride, about seven or eight miles, is on parkway and I saw very few people.Often I would detour and take a look at the state of Minehaha Falls. It is often solid in the winter, a cascade of twining frozen water. I biked slowly keeping the dog in control. Sort of like skijourning but I never let him get that far ahead. We've done similar treks in the summer up and down Hansen Road about twelve miles up the Echo.

It's a meditative and exhilarating experience, much like skiing.
02/12/2010 02:06PM
I did another golf course to day with my best friend. Hard to do a golf course after skiing in Duluth, but so it goes. I am just happy that we have such an amazing winter for skiing.

Hoping to take my husband to Afton this weekend, or maybe Lake Maria. Kevlar-- your description makes Maria very enticing. Afton also has a lot of up and downs, but it's up up up and then down down down. I kind of like a more undulating experience.

Happy skiing all!
02/12/2010 08:38PM
I agree about golf courses...the only semi-good one I know of for skiing is Theodore Wirth. I use Meadowbrook GC early in the season to get my legs used to skiing, but it just such anemic scenery! Tremolo, you'd really like Maria...any trail...and get a look at the little cabins...for $45.00 a night, they are a great way to have a neat experience with your skiing. I'm sure your kids would love to play hookey with you and do an overnight in a woodheated cabin.
02/12/2010 08:54PM
indoor plumbing?
02/13/2010 05:33AM
Wolf Lake today, French Rapids tomorrow, Movil Maze or Shingobee Monday. I'm liking this winter.