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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: XC Ski :: Ski Gathering- Try Again?
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03/01/2012 02:54PM
We got about 8". The temps have been at or above freezing. I went out in the backyard yesterday and the snow was sticking to my skis so bad it was like trying to ski on high heels (or so I would imagine). I think the Aboretum in town groomed the trails, but I am waiting for some below freezing temps before I try them. The forecast for this weekend is supposed to be highs in the mid 20's so hope to get out. How has it been this winter in Ely?
02/13/2011 06:14PM
I'll watch the conditions and we can decide what to do later this week. It got up to 45 degrees here today- felt great, but not so good for skiing...
02/10/2012 04:58AM
Not at this rate. If we get a dumping, let's try.
02/15/2011 04:36PM
I'm thinking our get together is kaput for this year. Continued warm the rest of the week followed by a freeze up. Kathio trails will be unskiable without helmets, elbow and knee pads.
Try again next year... :(
01/19/2012 04:13PM
Might this happen this winter?
02/07/2011 08:21PM
I'm open any of those 3 days. Willing to carpool with anyone from the cities.
02/03/2011 07:09AM
Bumping again. I am still open for any of those three days that weekend. Let's hear what folks are thinking.
02/11/2011 07:27AM
Saturday, Feb 19th, 10:00am, Kathio State Park? What say you all?
01/24/2011 06:50PM
Hey! How about the rest of you more-or-less regulars here? Try again or not?
02/11/2011 07:51PM
Count me in if there is any snow left.
02/12/2011 11:07AM
Maybe. Hope so.

02/03/2011 08:29PM
Still iffy. Will be hanging with Hazel that long weekend so maybe a trip skiing would be fun.
02/04/2011 07:31AM
I'm going to see if my daughter can join me as well (she's 16). Between soccer, a job and a boyfriend, it's unlikley that she'll be there, but you never know.
02/27/2012 10:03AM

Possible dumping coming your way. They haven't put away the groomer have they?
01/16/2011 08:11PM
I'm quite sure that would work for Dallas daughter is visiting in Feb., but we're thinking it is earlier than that. If she was here then I'd love to bring her along...she was a great high school XC skier, but her husband and children are true Texans (cold weather wimps).
01/24/2011 07:31PM
I just dont know. My life is crazy right now. I need to get through the next two weeks or so and then maybe I can commit.
01/15/2011 02:35PM
How would the President's Day weekend work for folks to get together for a ski? I am available any of those days that weekend (Feb 19,20, or 21).
What say you all?
Kathio again for a destination?
01/16/2011 08:31AM
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