BWCA Choosing tactics Boundary Waters Group Forum: Flyfishing BWCA
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member (33)member
04/06/2018 01:01PM  
Ok, first I admit I was with other people tending to their desires but the only time I fly fished in bwca was like 30 minutes with no scout time ahead. It was a bit pointless. What do you all do when choosing where to fly fish? From shore, from your canoe? What types of areas do you target? Taking my honeymoon there next summer mid June 2019 and want to at least get a tug. thanks all!
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distinguished member (153)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/09/2018 01:42PM  
troutslayer4: "Ok, first I admit I was with other people tending to their desires but the only time I fly fished in bwca was like 30 minutes with no scout time ahead. It was a bit pointless. What do you all do when choosing where to fly fish? From shore, from your canoe? What types of areas do you target? Taking my honeymoon there next summer mid June 2019 and want to at least get a tug. thanks all!"

I hope you get more than just a tug on your honeymoon... ;-). Sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm looking forward to seeing others responses. I'm also interested in this question. I fly fish for trout out west, but I'm new to fly fishing for species in the BWCA. I'm going in late June this year.
distinguished member (136)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/09/2018 07:57PM  
I would also like to hear what the real deal fly guys have to say about this. I have my own ideas but they haven't panned out very well.
distinguished member(1530)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/13/2018 08:10PM  
It depends a lot on what month you are fishing and for what species of fish.

For smallmouth in June, you can try just about anywhere but especially rocky areas and shoreline cover assuming the water has warmed enough. Mid-summer is more of a challenge because more fish will be deep.

If you are inexperienced, just take some poppers for topwater and some Clouser minnows and deceivers for subsurface. Keep it simple. If you are not catching anything, then vary your retrieve (faster or slower, smooth or erratic), and/or vary your depth.
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