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   Group Forum: Health and Fitness
      Hello, Getting Fit and Preparing     



distinguished member(847)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/06/2017 08:21PM  
I'll fast-forward the boring part. A handful of years ago I had let myself get to a fair amount over 300 lbs. Here and here I've lost, gained, etc. and recently got the resolve to get it done. I'm now 230 lbs and getting leaner steadily. Good sustainable pace with a sustainable workout program.

When I was at my heaviest I didn't appear to be that heavy. What I really looked like was a linebacker that has let himself go. That's how it was described to me and that's how I describe it.

I've got a few goals
1 - Get to a sustainable bodyfat %
2 - Sustainable nutrition
3 - Fix imbalances in my body to help prevent injury
4 - Functional Fitness
5 - Target Fitness (hiking hilly miles, portaging, etc)

I look forward to reading on what you all are doing, and sharing more as the opportunity presents itself.
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distinguished member (252)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/28/2018 01:08PM  
Wonder Monkey,

How has your journey been? Have you been working on your goals, have you reached any and have you sustained the effort?

distinguished member (218)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/02/2018 02:55PM  
So It looks like your on a good track! Biggest things I’ve found with getting into a fit lifestyle is, don’t go to hard to fast. Just keep the mindset that anything you’re doing is more than you were before. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss the gym a few days ,or eat a few bad meals in a row. Just remind yourself how good it will feel to get back on track. And make a mental note of how eating like crap really makes your body feel. Also when you do get into a good routine, make sure you take a week off every 8-10 weeks. Once you get in tune with your body it will tell you when you need a rest week. I tend to obsess and over do it. But I’ve learned to not overtrain. It’s actually counter productive at some point.
As far as preparing for a Trip. I have found nothing beats just going out and doing it is what you actually be doing on the trip. I have been going to the gym for a good three years solid. I always hit it good on leg day. Squats, lunges, deadlifts, hip thrusters etc.
Recently I’ve started gearing up for my trip in the end of the month. I have been putting the treadmill on full incline and intermittently holding a 30lb. Kettle bell in each hand while I’m doing it. Or using the stair master with a sandbag on my shoulders. And let me tell you it’s tough! And even with that prep, I went out with my Wife and hiked 7 miles of hilly terrain with her. And the next day my legs were sore in weird places. So I’m going to start putting a sandbag in my backpack and go hike up some hills. And get out and do some paddling. I know there is just no substitute for the real thing! Good luck with your journey, stay positive!
distinguished member(847)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/20/2018 11:01AM  
jfinn: "Wonder Monkey,
How has your journey been? Have you been working on your goals, have you reached any and have you sustained the effort?

I would say I have NOT sustained the effort but I have not quit. To me they are different. I have done very well .... then let it go a bit. Then done wel ... then let it go. Etc.

However, I've made steady progress if you look from then to now and ignore the peaks and valleys.

I recently had an amateur boxing match. I trained for months as a boxer would and had the match. I lost the match but it was exciting. I was the oldest involved (I'm 50) and ended up fighting a much younger person but it was all good.

I used the fight as a fitness goal, among other things. Not that it is over I'm changing my workouts to focus on making sure my body is not imbalanced. I sit at a desk all day and that leads to problems. Generally, I'm imbalanced back to front so I'm working on it.

While I'm doing that I'll focus on what will make for easier portages and paddling for longer periods of time.
distinguished member(847)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/27/2019 11:05AM  
Things are going well now. I am like many people and if I don't have an impending event or larger goal I find myself doing other things than taking care of health and fitness.

I box now and have had 1 fight. This is internal to my facility event but we do train with actual boxing coaches and they try to pair the fights as evenly as possible. I have prior experience (years and years ago) so all that felt "right" and I really enjoy it. I'll compete once a year as long as I enjoy it. I found that it put a date and a goal out there and if I didn't prepare I'd be in front of a crowd with my hands on my knees trying to breathe while someone is beating on me. Not what I want. It's full-on amateur boxing with headgear and so on. That fight was early in December.

After that was over I have begun to take care of the imbalances that most of us have. I sit as a desk all day and with that the whole posterior chain is weaker than the front and additionally, everything is shortened a bit.

Here is a typical week:
Monday AM - Crossfit (old man version)
Tuesday AM - Sparring and actual boxing work
Tuesday PM - Auxillary work (depends on Monday)
Wednesday AM - Fitness Boxing (cardio)
Thursday PM - Crossfit
Friday - Nothing
Saturday - Yoga & Whatever else is needed, Boxing mechanics

A bunch of this is focused on general health but I am ensuring that carrying a canoe through portages, etc. will be taken care of.
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